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Van Wert Rockmart Trailhead - Map & Text Directions

Directions - Overview

33.98387513630942, -85.04086777276052

  • Van Wert Trailhead is near the city of Rockmart, in the town of Van Wert in Polk County, Georgia
  • Hwy-278 is northwest of Atlanta, and runs east to west towards Alabama


  • Note: Highway-278 mile markers start over in every county
  • Go to mile marker 27-28 on Hwy-278 in Polk County
  • Between mile marker 27-28, you'll find
    • A signal tower
    • Coot's Lake
    • 4-way intersection (Hwy-278, Coot's Lake Rd, and Old Atlanta Hwy)
  • Turn towards the signal tower onto old Atlanta hwy
    • East-bound side of Hwy-278
    • Old Atlanta Hwy turns into Piedmont Ave
  • Go approximately 2.4 miles on Old Atlanta Hwy to Vinson Mtn. Road
  • Turn onto Vinson Mtn. Rd next to Dunn's Quick Stop, and the trailhead will be on your right