Nathan Dean Sports Complex - Map & Text Directions
Directions - Overview
34.00808740486995, -85.06138130731988
- Nathan Dean Sports Complex is in the city of Rockmart in Polk County, Georgia
- It's at the corner of Hwy-278 and Industrial Road
- Hwy-278 is northwest of Atlanta, and runs east to west towards Alabama
- Note: Highway-278 mile markers start over in every county
- Go to mile marker 23 on Hwy-278 in Polk County
- Near mile marker 23, you'll find Industrial Rd on the east-bound lane of Hwy-278
- It's between SR-101 and Prospect Rd
- Just west of the Walmart
- There's no red light
- Turn on Industrial Rd
- You will see Nathan Dean Sports Complex on your left
- The Silver Comet Trail runs between the Sports Complex and Industrial Rd
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